This Is Our Story
A bit about us:
As someone who back in ’94 figured he’d covered more foreign destinations than Fed-Ex, it just “seemed” a good idea to take things up a notch and get into the travel business.
Which in retrospect was not much different than a frequent diner feeling he/she had the necessary qualifications to run a restaurant.
Or a million mile passenger taking over the cockpit.
With the optimism of a rookie political candidate, we had lofty goals and ambitions.
We’d provide top notch levels of experience and service to folks who wanted ‘off the beaten path’ adventures.
Instead of waving goodbye to folks heading out – we’d escort groups to far flung corners such as Antarctica, Jungles of Borneo, Fijian Cannibal Caves, Cuban Military Bases, Vintage Aircraft Flight Experiences etc. etc.
Wildly successful – we had a great time.
Up until that first financial year end when we realized we should probably focus on bringing in a little more revenue than what these escapades were costing us.
And so began a learning curve which at times seemed a little steeper than an F-18 climb out at an air show.
Over the years through trial and error, we found our niche and settled into that sweet spot every business seeks – balance.
Experience – the knowledge gained by doing things – is a great teacher.
Of course the problem with learning from experience is that you often get the test before the lesson.
After 25 years though – we learned a few things that became invaluable to ourselves and to our valued clientele.
The 1st was that Murphy of Murphy’s Law, ( anything that can go wrong-will) was an optimist.
Managing risks and following the old Boy Scout motto – Be Prepared, are first and foremost in our wheelhouse when we sit down with folks during the planning stage of their journey.
One size does not fit all – what works on page 94 of a mass market brochure for one individual is not necessarily the ideal setup for another.
And so our 1st get-together rarely sees a brochure pulled out.
Because it really is all about the wants, needs, capabilities and budget of each individual.
That’s not to say there isn’t something on page 94 that fits the bill – we just feel that a journey should fit the individual and not the other way around.
If a simple getaway to a beachfront resort for a week is what the doctor ordered – we’ll ensure the resort fits your style and budget.
Nothing worse than spending a week at a rock climbing camp when you’re recovering from knee surgery – “but it looked great on-line!”
Over the past 15 years – our specialty has undoubtedly been our safari product in Tanzania, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa.
After a dozen or so African encounters – the appetite is still very much in play for another dozen.
Whether it’s river cruising, self drive Icelandic adventures, yacht charters, private island rentals, hiking Antarctica, watching the sun rise in Machu Picchu, or simply watching the sun set on a Caribbean Beach – we invite you to give us call.
Not only have we been there/done that – we’ll likely have hit a few snags on our own explorations that we can share with you so that your journey is as defect free as life has to offer.
Meet Us:

David Heron
Founder & General Manager

Arlene Dufour, CTM Certified Travel Manager
recipient of
Bonita Maguire-Wamsley Award

“Not all those who wander are lost.”
J.R.R. Tolkien